Formalin mentes szövet kezelés

by balage | Thursday, 2018-04-19 07:12
A formalin használata az EU-n belül egészségügyi veszély miatt egyre korlátozottabb, a formalin mentes szövet kezeléssel kapcsolatban 2018. május 10-én egy online előadás lesz angol nyelven, melyre lehet jelentkezni a mellékelt dokumentumon a reggel 9 vagy a délután 4 órás időpontra kattintva.

No more formalin exposure when transporting tissues from the OR to Pathology!
Milestone is pleased to invite you to attend our webinar on May 10th.
The webinar will provide a comprehensive description on a validation procedure, which allows surgical samples to be transported from Operating Theaters to pathology laboratories in safer and more economical manner.
Please note that you need to register in advance to attend this event. You can choose between two time sessions by clicking the buttons on the right.
During this webinar, you will learn how to overcome this CHALLENGE:
How to preserve tissues more effectively and ready your process for Molecular Pathology. Our method allows for a safer working environment in both the OR and Anatomic Pathology by working in a formalin/fixative free manner. By doing so, you can monitor the ischemic time and control/start the tissue fixation step following the Pathology lab directions. This is of paramount importance for the sake of reliable IHC and effective Molecular tests as well as for tissue banking.

Gianluca Micheletti: Milestone Area Manager for Europe and Asia, with a histology & research laboratory background.
Federica Rubini: Key account specialist at Milestone, with worldwide experience assisting laboratories in setting up a formalin-free chain of custody.