Use the full refrigerating capacity and save energy!
[img:1:small:left]Our company’s production of refrigeration units enables us to offer an ideal system completion to the coldrooms from nearly every manufacturer. The functions of Viessmann refrigeration units are specially tailored to customers’ needs and can be installed without spending a great deal of time or energy. Whether wall-hanging, split- or ceiling-mounted units with electronic or thermostatic control, Viessmann refrigeration units do not just impress with their ready to plug in commissioning but also with their above average cooling capacity based on the use of high quality omponents and well thought-out refrigeration cycles. This capacity makes for longer life and lower power consumption. The refrigeration cycle of Viessmann refrigeration units is completely soldered to guarantee a high level of operational safety. All parts are easy to access, permanently lowering maintenance and repair costs. This is an economical and indispensable product advantage adding to Viessmann refrigeration units’ quiet finish and long life.